Monday, April 26, 2010


Last summer we took a vacation to Kiawah Island.  It was a charming place, and part of that charm could be attributed to the sight of people on bicycles everywhere.  We rented bikes and a trailer for the kids and joined in the biking fun.  I had not been on a bike in years before that, and I was surprised how much fun I had.  I decided to bring the fun home.  I started looking for a child's bike seat at consignment sales and finally found a great one for $20 this spring.  Throw in a trip to Walmart for bike helmets, and we were ready!  Isn't she adorable?

But this story is not really about me or Selah.  It's about Jackson.  You see prior to the child seat purchase, Jackson always rode his bike with Selah and me strolling along.  Whenever we hit a big uphill he would ask me to give him pushes until we made it to the top.  Now that I'm on a bike, my ability to offer him assistance is next to nothing.  Our first few outings together were quite frustrating.  I was still getting used to the extra weight in my rear (Selah that the rear of my bike!), and it's harder to keep your balance when you have go slow to wait on the kid who can't make it up a hill on his own.  I finally said, "Listen, Jackson, I'm not going to be able to give you pushes when I'm riding, too.  You're going to have to make your legs stronger so you can get up this hill on your own.  The only way to make your legs stronger is to exercise them; keep pushing.  You've got to PERSEVERE."  That was the magic word.  A switch flipped.  Jackson knows exactly what perseverance means and he set his mind to getting up that hill.  I was amazed.  He started pedaling up the hill.  I could tell it was hard, and I asked him if he wanted to get off and walk the bike up.  He said, with determination, "No, I'm going to puh-suh-vewe."  (still can't say his r's!)  He kept chanting "puh-suh-vewe" all the way up the hill and he made it!  Every day he has gotten a little stronger, and in only a week's time we're going for good little rides with 4 big uphills!  It's so sweet to see joy in his face when he's zooming down a hill...the built in reward for persevering through the tough uphill (or actually I have to imagine the joy in his face since I'm usually zooming behind him).  His puh-suh-vewance has paid off.  I'm so proud!  Jackson, I hope you keep this attitude for the rest of your life.  It will serve you well as you face lots of tough circumstances.  If you persevere, you will see those rewards!

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

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