Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Where is Thumbkin?

Yesterday Jackson went to the dentist.  When they asked him if he was still sucking his thumb, he told them no.  I was surprised.  I hadn't noticed.  He only does it at night when he's falling asleep...when I'm not in there.  So I didn't even know he's stopped.  Last night and tonight I took him some water after I had already put him to bed just to check, and sure thumb sucking!  YAY!!!  He's been sucking his thumb since he was 4 months old.  As strong as this habit was I was definitely expecting a fight about giving it up.  (or a sticker chart with a bribe at the end)  Who would have thought news this big would have come with such little fanfare?  For now, blanket is still hanging around.

1 comment:

  1. Wow congrats to Jackson, he's a big boy now! aww...
