Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer is Here! (almost)

So, the official start of summer is still about a week away, but we enjoyed some summer fun this weekend. My sister gave us this awesome frog pool for Christmas this year, and we've been patiently waiting almost 6 months to use it. On Friday we decided it was time to finally break it in! Selah doesn't even have a swimsuit yet, but that didn't stop us! After spending what seemed like half the day blowing it up, filling it up, slathering ourselves with sunscreen, and gathering a few essential items like towels and sunglasses, we were ready. About 2 mintues later, Selah decided she was done. =( Jackson had a great time, though. The pool has a sprinkler part to it which is really cool. Selah voiced her firm objection to this nonsense we called "fun" while sitting under an umbrella with me. Maybe she'll like it another day! Jackson was so happy to be in the pool, it was worth dealing with Selah's complaints. We will be getting a lot of use out of the pool this summer. Thanks, Jana!

Friday night we went with some friends from church to the Grasshoppers baseball game. Jackson had a blast and Selah was thankfully very entertained considering it was way past her bedtime. Although the Hoppers lost in the 10th inning, the fireworks after the game made everyone feel better. What a great day.

Jackson got in lots of playtime with other kids on Saturday and Sunday. This is a real treat, because, as I've mentioned before, it really concerns me that he doesn't get enough playtime with friends his age. We went to a neighborhood block party where he played with kids in a bounce house. Then we went to a friend's housewarming party where all the kids got to explore their enormous backyard. Finally on Sunday, Jackson played with his two favorite friends after church. They were playing so nicely together outside with sidewalk chalk, we didn't even notice them sneaking inside to carry out water - effectively turning the chalk into paint! Jason had to hose them all off, and they still looked like smurfs! It was a great weekend. I'm looking forward to more summer fun. I can't believe that Pre-K is just around the corner. This time at home with him is passing too quickly. We will have to work hard to squeeze every drop of fun out of this summer!