Monday, November 23, 2009

This is one for the books!

Today Jason and I managed to wreck 4 cars and destroy our garage wall in a period of about 15 minutes. I only wish I was kidding!

It all started when I was on my way to work at my old job because they needed extra help today. I was sitting at a stoplight between I-40 and Stratford Road when my friend who was going to be babysitting for us today let me know that she was on her way to my house, but running a little behind (ironically hit some slow traffic due to an accident). I was trying to call Jason to relay this information to him since he was waiting for her with the kids. The car in front of me pulled forward. I thought the light must have turned green (I couldn't see the light) and started pulling forward too. The car in front of me stopped, but I didn't. I smashed my front bumper into the car's trailer hitch. Crap. I got out to survey the damage, and thankfully there was not much to see. My car had some minor damage to the bumper and I couldn't see any damage to her car. We decided to call the police to fill out an accident report. Great, now I'm running behind. Oh yeah, I forgot I needed to call Jason. I called him and told him everything that had happened. No big deal, but still sucks. Now I'm just waiting on the police to arrive.

WHILE I'M WAITING, Jason calls me back and says, "You have to come home NOW." My first thought is, "Oh no, Jackson is throwing up again or maybe Selah is throwing up now." Jackson threw up during the second church service yesterday and continued throwing up all day until 10pm. He was feeling better this morning, but staying home from school. "Why?" I asked. "I just backed into Jennifer's car. Then when I was pulling forward into the garage I hit the gas instead of the brake and smashed my car into our garage wall. I hit the freezer and pushed it through the wall." So I.....

How would you react? This is so unbelievably disastrous. I mean we've only had Jason's car about 2 months. It has just over 1,000 miles on it.

I burst into laughter. Even though it IS terrible, it's like what are the odds? So I came home to this:

Looks like Santa might be bring Jackson a new bike for Christmas!

It took a while just to report our 3 separate insurance claims (two car claims and one home owner's claim).

Two other side notes. I am battling an upper respiratory infection, taking antibiotics and a prescription cough med that is NOT working. My dad was also in the hospital all weekend trying to get his heart back in rhythm. Thankfully, he is better now and will probably go home tomorrow. Wow....what a weekend.

In the end, it's all okay. The cars, the house, it's all just stuff. We are all safe and (relatively) healthy. Yeah, the day kind of sucked, but God is faithful. He is our source, our comfort, our sustainer, and our healer. I'm looking forward to tomorrow because, chances are, it's going to be better than today!

I'm tired. My neck hurts. And my antibiotic is upsetting my stomach. I'm going to bed.


  1. Oh Kelley. I am so so sorry. Ugh. I'm so glad your first reaction was to laugh. :) But goodness me, ugh.

    I hope you feel better!!!

  2. Okay I thought I was imagining things... When I drove by today and saw a smashed refrigerator in your garage, I thought who would keep something like that at their house. I actually had the thought, "I wonder if Jason did some cool sermon about it? What a crazy prop!"

    I didn't know it was through the wall! Oh my!
    Definitely a day you will never forget. So happy it is all just stuff and not people. Huge praise! Such a hassle though, especially X3. I hope it's smooth sailing from here.

    Hope you all have a very happy, healthy, (crash free), Thanksgiving!
    Amber :)

  3. OH wow Kelley, that is definitely a story you can tell for a LONG time. I'm so sorry! I would have laughed too, you're right at that point what can you
