Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Holy Good Night's Sleep, Batman!

It started as a survival mechanism that just went un-dealt-with for too long.  I was getting up several times a night with my newborn Selah, working 30-hours a week outside the home, wearing several hats in our newborn church, trying to spend some quality time with both our kids, all while pratically running the household (bills, laundry, dishes, cleaning, cooking, errands) by myself as Jason was getting used to the schedule of a man working two full-time jobs.  It was the most chronically tired I have ever been.  So when Jackson started coming to my side of the bed (never daddy's side who sleeps like a rock and never hears the baby cry!) and saying that he was too scared to sleep in his room by himself because he had a bad dream, I would scoop him up in our bed to sleep the rest of the night.  I just couldn't muster the strength to take him back across the house and risk a repeat awakening.  Survival.

Things got better.  I quit my job to stay home.  Selah started sleeping through the night.  Jackson was less afraid and would sleep in his bed half the time.  But if he ever came to our bed, I would still scoop him up, throw him in between us, and roll back over to sleep.  I felt bad about it.  But I liked my sleep!  Finally I decided to try a new idea that would put the burden of fixing the problem on his shoulders.  All I needed was his calendar, star stickers, and a bag full of toys that I purchased at a consignment sale for $2.  I had intended to use the toys as small rewards for Jackson.  He found my rewards stash one day and asked if he could have them.  I told him he would have to earn them by doing certain things.  He was eager to know exactly what he could start doing to set him on a course for obtaining the booty.  *light bulb moment*  I told him that if he slept in his bed for seven nights (not necessarily consecutive) then he could choose one prize. 

The challenge laid before him, he slept in his own bed the very first night!  In fact, it only took him 9 nights to earn the prize, and one of those nights he stayed with grandma and grandaddy, so it couldn't count.  Yesterday, he proudly picked a Batman watch out of the prize bag.  We had to buy a new battery for it, but it works perfectly!  He wore it to school today despite feeling a little nervous about it since he reported that the only kids in his class who wore watches were the ones who were "mean to the teacher."  I think he proved today that you can wear a watch AND have good behavior. 

Last night was the first night of the completed challenge, so Jason and I took bets as to whether or not we would see him at our bedside in the middle of the night.  I won!  He slept in his own bed all night!  I don't know if it will last, but I have a whole bag of prizes to give away if I have to!  =)

After reading over this post, I am so thankful to be in a healthier place now than I was a year and a half ago.  I have such compassion for my friends who are still working greuling schedules, caring for newborns/small children, or being single moms.  I'm praying for them all.

1 comment:

  1. i know all about survival mode. it's hard when you know you're creating a bad habbit but you don't really have another choice because it means so SO much work/less sleep/etc. for you.

    this is so reassuring to hear that bad sleep habbits can be fixed!

    (speaking from the working mom who was half awake with her not-so-sleepy baby from 12-1:30 last night. i feel like a zombie!!)
