Monday, February 1, 2010

Friday snow again!

It has been many years since we've seen two big snows in the same winter, but it has happened this year! It started snowing Friday night and snowed all through the night changing to sleet Saturday morning. The snowflakes were so tiny, I couldn't believe we would actually get the amount they were forecasting (8 inches, some said 12 inches), but it all piled up to be about 6 inches here. Both the kids were up early on Saturday morning and camped out in front of our dining room window for most of the morning. A few snowflakes landed and stuck to the window, so we could actually see the amazingly intricate detail of those tiny flakes. They look just like the typical pictures of snowflakes!

We went outside Saturday morning to check it out, but it was so bitterly cold, that we didn't stay for long. We settled for hot chocolate and snow cream instead.

Sunday was a different story. Sunny and much warmer outside, we gooped our faces with sunscreen and Aquaphor and headed out to find a good sledding hill. We ended up joining several of our neighbors on a great icy hill that was perfect for sledding. Jackson had a great time.

Jason did too!
Selah even had a turn with the boys.

There was so much joy and goodwill in the air, several of the neighbors worked together and completely cleared the driveway of an elderly couple. It was a great day!

Here's our hilarious family picture. Jason and I are happy, Selah is her typical stoic self, and Jackson is crying because he had just slipped and fallen on the ice. I was comforting him when one of our neighbors offered to take a picture.
We finally got around to building a snowman today. It is so warm today, he is already melting! Bye-bye, frosty!

1 comment:

  1. looks fun! i'm missed your posts, but props to your january goal.

