Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tough Day At Work

So far today has been a pretty hectic day at work. I had great plans of accomplishing a few tasks today. My agenda included doing a workout DVD at some point, showering during break-time, picking up my pre-ordered Toby Mac CD immediately before picking up one of my subordinates, and then treating both of my subordinates to an afternoon library trip. Dinner will have to be a quick one since one of my subordinates has been working on a group project tonight with some of his peers from other local companies, and they will be giving their presentation to all the CEOs and shareholders tonight at a meeting they have decided to call "PTA". However, some of my plans have gone awry already since the subordinate that is with me in the office is being quite whiny and uncooperative. I have tried all the great leadership techniques that I have learned from books and other managers, but they are not producing great results. A few things, like books, cars, blocks, and rocking while singing and rubbing her back have been temporary successes, but her generally unpleasant disposition just keeps resurfacing. It doesn't help that she is sick (I think a major source of her whining) and apparently has not completed the communication continuing education class that I recommended for her at her recent evaluation. She continues to cry uncontrollably occasionally muttering a barely distinguishable word like "boo boo" (while pointing to her nose). We attempted a group project called "lunch", but she emphatically rejected all the ideas I brought to the table. And I thought they were solid ideas! Right now she is taking her break-time, and I hope when she returns she will have a better attitude. We still have lots of work to do today. Right now, I'm going to try to accomplish one task without her: a shower.


  1. rofl! Kelley so loved this post it's hilarious! I hope your team starts cooperating a little better, since i don't think you can fire them:)

  2. You crack me up. I love it!! I'm sorry folks weren't cooperating. Hopefully the rest of the week will be better...
