Tuesday, July 28, 2009

8 years strong

Today is Jason's and my 8th anniversary. We have never been ones to buy each other gifts or cards for anniversaries, Valentine's Day, or Christmas. So, this is my anniversary gift to him. Here are a few of the reasons I love him more today than I did the day we got married:

1. He makes me laugh. Jason and I have very similar senses of humor. Some people may call us goofy, but it sure makes life fun.
2. He believes in me more than I believe in myself. He is always encouraging me to do more than I think I can do. I have recently taken over leading worship in our church, and although I am constantly feeling insufficient, he gives me sincere support, encouragement, and feedback.

3. He's a great dad. These days, his time is very precious, yet he always takes time to play with our kids. Jackson loves to wrestle and play basketball with Jason (things that I don't do). Selah is obviously enamored with her dad, too.

4. He reaches stuff on the top shelves and opens jars. Seriously, he does stuff that I can't. God designed us to be similar enough to share interests yet different enough to compliment each other. Where I am weak (or short), he is strong (or tall!). Where he is weak, I am strong. Last night we went to a leadership meeting where we did the DISC personality test. We discovered he's a D/C and I'm an I/S. Complimentary! I truly believe this is what makes our marriage work. (sniff, sniff...you complete me)

5. He sacrifices for our family. At the end of 2008, Jason and I were having a date night and were discussing life at dinner. I told him how I felt stretched too thin and really wanted to be able to quit my job to stay home with the kids. I cried right there in the middle of the restaurant. He saw how much it meant to me, and he made it happen. Even though I know he has to sacrifice a few things he would like to do or have, he does it with a smile on his face.

6. He loves God, even if it seems foolish to others. He has really thought out his faith, and has a very personal relationship with God.

7. He doesn't care what people think about him. Not in an arrogant way. Of course he wants to be liked, but he doesn't let popular opinion influence his decisions. He'll play in the sprinkler with Jackson despite what the neighbors might think!

8. He's so competitive. But he's not a bad sport. This makes playing UNO (and any other game) really fun. Especially when I win!

9. His favorite "tools" are White Out and Shoe Goo. So, he's not a handyman. It's entertaining to watch him try! He's come a long way since we were first married. He installed two ceiling fans in our house last summer! Without Shoe Goo! And they're still working!

10. He loves me. And he reads my boring blog.
I love you sweetie! And after 8 years, I still absolutely love being married to you!


  1. I am the luckiest man alive. From you being my sounding board to making us pancakes every Saturday morning, you complete me, too. I love you and look forward to 80 more years with you.

  2. I absolutely love this guys! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Happy Anniversary you two!! It's so crazy how time flies, but yes - I'd agree you two are PERFECT for each other.

  4. yeah yeah yeah - hugs and kisses and sappy, crappy - I mean - happy anniversary

    You two ARE adorable and I am just jealous that Nick doesn't blog or read mine for that matter, even though I only write 'em once every two years. However, I cannot complain because he IS quite handy to have around. I suppose, in that regard he completes Jason in his own way ;). I do thank God for allowing us to share your joy and your lives.
