Thursday, May 21, 2009

Roger and Grumpyus

For the first time yesterday Jackson played with imaginary friends. Their names were Roger and Grumpyus. We were outside pulling up Bermuda grass in the flower bed when Jackson started telling me that Roger couldn't eat these plants because he was allergic. Grumpyus, however, was not allergic and he could eat the "magic plants". A few times I heard him talking directly to these imaginary friends, and I just laughed to myself. On one hand, I love seeing his active imagination at work. Jackson LOVES pretend play of any kind. When he was younger, he constantly asked me to "be" Elmo or a mean tiger or anything else his mind could dream up. However, seeing him play with imaginary friends made me wonder if I did the right thing quitting work and pulling him out of daycare. I think he really misses having friends his own age to play with, and I don't do an exceptionally good job of creating opportunities for him to socialize with his peers. When he starts school in the fall will he be "the weird kid" who doesn't really know how to play with others? I know deep down that staying home was the right decision. I see him growing intellectually, and I love being able to share all those moments with him. So maybe I did cause him to play with imaginary friends...but I sure am glad I was there to see it happen!


  1. This blog is gonna be awesome . . . our kid will definitely be the weird one no matter what . . . he's got my genes, after all.

  2. My grandfather (with a ph.d. in pyschology) says that imaginary friends are a sign of intelligence:) Considering i had one, i hold on to that! And Jackson is way to cool to every be weird.

    I can't believe you have a blog!

