Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This weekend we packed up and drove 10 hours to Mobile, Alabama to see Michael (Jason's brother), Amanda, and Allie. Allie is 4 months old, and this was our first opportunity to meet her. She is so cute, and sweet, and cuddly, and happy, and beautiful!!! I could go on and on, but I'll try to stop myself. Jason, Jackson and I left on Wednesday night and drove through the night to get there. Jerome and Donna (Jason's parents) flew down on Thursday morning and brought Selah with them. Thank God that airlines will still allow kids to fly for free under 2 years old! I was so thankful not to have to worry about making the drive with Selah. Jackson slept most of the way there, which was the plan. The only hitch with that plan was on Thursday morning at 7am, Jackson was up and at 'em like normal. Jason and I were still zombies. Somehow we made it through the day fueled by baby love, family love, and caffiene.

Selah met Allie for the first time at the airport. I love babies! They're just so cute!

We had a great weekend, mostly just hanging out with each other. Amanda's sister, Aundrea, who just happens to live next door, graciously allowed our family to invade her house. It's rare to go on vacation and have a whole house to yourself! (without paying a pretty penny for it!) The kids were out of their normal routine and were certainly worn out. Here's evidence: on the way home from dinner one night, they both crashed hard!

Sunday was Allie's baby dedication at the church where Michael and Amanda minister. Allie looked like a princess from her teeny tiny baby slip down to her ruffly socks and white shoes. Even her bloomers were monogrammed! Unfortunately the dedication occurred while Selah should have been taking a nap, and she was unwilling to sit quietly through the reverent ceremony. We had to peer through the little window in the door at the back of the church and attempt to read the lips of the pastor. It was a beautiful dedication complete with suprise reading of a poem that Amanda's father (who passed away about a year and a half ago) wrote many years ago for this occassion. It was very special.
We drove home Sunday afternoon and got back to High Point at 2am. Tired does not begin to describe how we all felt on Monday morning. I felt the most sorry for Jackson for having to go to school. Jason and I both worked on Monday (I've been helping out at my old job a couple of days a week the past few weeks during their busy season). I think we've all caught up on our rest now and we're feeling much better.